"We Don't Like You Anymore."
That's the latest from my quads...hahaha..
Looks like i'm going to have to listen, today's training session is definitely a sign that i'm over-cooking it... But first:
Saturday - OBB Ride
Another lovely day, broke out the Ridley once again... It kept civil to Mattick's, and from there things picked up with a rather surge-y rotating paceline out along the farmland...not sure why people were picking it up like that...or chasing down some of the people who powered away..haha.. Ahh well.
Got to Sidney, and another strong group left from there...kept it civil until past Land's End, then things started to get spicy as we approached the airport, and it carried through until close to W. Saanich, and then it eased up again until Interurban.
Good fast paceline lead-up to the sprint, but as Steve D (visiting in New Zealand right now!) reminded me, i allowed myself to get boxed-in, and so the sprint was a non-feature on my part...some of the other guys were cooking tho!
Went for the Overpass with Ryan, but a commuter just flew onto the trail without looking our way, and i had to brake to avoid a collision...ahh well! Carried through at a firm pace until Estevan where i turned off. All the gory details:
Entire workout (195 watts):
Duration: 3:11:15 (3:22:57)
Work: 2212 kJ
TSS: 264.6 (intensity factor 0.915)
Norm Power: 243
VI: 1.25
Distance: 105.686 km
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 1110 195 watts
Heart Rate: 102 182 153 bpm
Cadence: 25 126 90 rpm
Speed: 0 67.2 33.3 kph
Fast. Actual watts HUGE. And an NP of 243w over 3hrs...wow. The TSS reflects this. I was cooked. The peak hour was 260w NP, and 37.8kph...that's summer speeds! And a new high for TSS. Ouch.
Sunday - Short Ride w/Climbs
My week's TSS value was well over 600, and i was feeling fried, so i opted for a short ride. I actually haven't ridden Mt Tolmie (at least in recent memory) so opted to swing by there, and do a couple out-of-saddle climb efforts, as well as to scout it as a potential training spot.
The south side (off Richmond) is pretty steep, about the same as Mt Doug i'd say, with a short flat section. Did it in 2'52 at 330w, 56rpm. 567m.
North side (off Cedar Hill) is much flatter.. Did it in 2'53 at 318w, 64rpm. I got 634m on that side. I think the starting elevation is a fair bit higher there too. Will know when the Garmin Edge 500 i order comes in...will be neat to include elevation data as well!
Getting more used to standing and climbing. From there i got up to MacKenzie, and crossed over to Caddy Bay, and rode the 'water' back, to the end and back to my place near OBB. Started cloudy, took the winter bike just in case, closed with some sun. =)
Entire workout (206 watts):
Duration: 1:13:31 (1:14:26)
Work: 904 kJ
TSS: 96.1 (intensity factor 0.888)
Norm Power: 235
VI: 1.14
Distance: 33.383 km
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 626 206 watts
Heart Rate: 72 181 147 bpm
Cadence: 32 114 86 rpm
Speed: 3.7 65.7 27.4 kph
In hindsight, i went harder than i should have...
Tuesday - EM w/30min Tempo
Monday was a full rest-day, no climbing.
Headed out on the Ridley again (nice day - sunny but chilly), hoping to do a 45min Tempo in the same spirit as last Thursday, where i SMASHED it! 269w over 40mins, i think that's my best sustained-effort ever done. It was 4w short of my 30min PB (273w), and i held it 10min more...nice.
So, today.. Bad omen's all the way. Legs felt like hamburger. Poor output. Heart rate was waaay too high. Met up with Kevin out on Lockside just before Maddicks, and tried to figure out what i should do.... The smart option would have been just to do a 'ride', hold my EM pace, go for ~2hrs, and then focus on my interval on Thursday.
I decided to ignore my better advice, and began my interval on Martindale. Legs got the power up alright, and i felt okay... 10mins in, still doing okay, but legs were feeling it.
It's funny...i *felt* like i was pushing the watts i needed to, although it was an effort. It looks like the right watts are coming up on the screen....but alas, i must only be looking when they're high..haha.. I decided to just do 30mins, and it came out like this:
Ave Wts: 256
Ave HR: 178
Ave Cad: 74
Ave Spd: 34.8kph
Ouch. Watts were too low, and HR was insane for that effort! My 40min effort on Thursday at 269w was 177...!!
Crap. I overcooked it.
Lesson: figure out and use the Performance Management Chart in WKO. I know the basics, but i think it can be used to help prevent this type of meltdown... Keeping an eye on the TSB value (Training Stress Balance, or 'Freshness', good WKO jargon descriptions here.)
I think i need to manage my training to try and keep it a bit higher.. This will prolly mean shorter Tempo intervals...but i think it stands to reason that doing 30mins at the right wattage is better than doing 45mins at 10-15w lower than i should be at...and feel better doing it all as well!
Here's the whole ride:
Entire workout (200 watts):
Duration: 2:21:56 (2:23:02)
Work: 1699 kJ
TSS: 161.6 (intensity factor 0.828)
Norm Power: 219
VI: 1.1
Distance: 71.079 km
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 718 200 watts
Heart Rate: 90 188 163 bpm
Cadence: 25 118 85 rpm
Speed: 4.1 56.9 30.1 kph
The average HR is HUGE. Even a hard ride should be 10bpm lower.
A'ight, that's it for now... Short climb at the gym tomorrow, and the OrganicAthlete Victoria AGM in the evening, and then for Thursday......i'll keep an eye on my TSB, if it's still pretty low, i'll just go for a ride. ;)