Oi, that's been a rainy week.. Catching up:
Went out on the OBB group ride (meets at Oak Bay Bikes at 9am, be fendered and extendered if wet!) Felt good until Land's End, took a long, strong pull, 375-400 watts for a minute, pulled off as it went uphill, ended up at the back of the big pack, and tried to recover a bit...another brief downhill, moved up mid-pack, then up again, and worked back near the front....a stop and left turn, and someone (Craig Richey i believe -
not this one) got on the front and "turns the screws" putting the hurt on.
I could bridge up, still wiped from the earlier pull..there was a small group (4) of us that chased until the airport, no dice.. Another much bigger group caught us, but it wasn't terribly cohesive, and ended up being a lot of work to stay in, with people not at all working as a group. At the Interurban sprint, i went really early, and gave several peeps a wicked lead-out.
Legs felt like lead, i attributed it to the weather - it was the first real cold ride i've done, with temps in the 3-5 Celibate range. Turns out that i'd just been really given'er! Highest TSS on an OBB ride since i got WKO+ in May. Here's the data:
Entire workout (184 watts):
Duration: 3:13:13 (3:34:22)
Work: 2124 kJ
TSS: 256.6 (intensity factor 0.896)
Norm Power: 233
VI: 1.26
Distance: 99.424 km
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 1222 184 watts
Heart Rate: 79 186 151 bpm
Cadence: 33 128 90 rpm
Speed: 0 61.1 31.0 kph
NP of 233 over 3.25hrs, and the TSS of 257 is a big jump from my previous hardest effort of just over 240. Normally they're in the 220-240 range. The cold and fenders are slowing things down a bit too, but 31kph is a pretty fast average speed..for the peak hour we were averaging just under 35kph.
Also got some new gear, needed some new shorts, and figured i'd chop two carrots with one swipe, and got full leggings. The
Sugoi RS Zero Bib Tights are pretty sweet, although it's a little material-heavy over the belly which got a big sweaty, but otherwise a winner! I'd say good in temps 1-9C, or 3-12C if raining.
Headed out to the Dump for this rainy day! Got a lift out with Laura and met up with a bunch of my favorite MTB buddies. Wanted a relatively short ride, no need to push it before next weekend, which is the Island Championships for cyclocross, CrossVega!
Jamie and Steve (left) had ridden out and already spent an hour on the trails. (They got in ~5hrs by day's end!) Matt, John, Laura and Alex rounded out the bunch. We headed out, and bee-lined it to the bottom of the new Fun Trail extension - nice work
SIMBS! At the top i think we made a wrong turn as we ended up hiking up parts of Hot Cherry..but soon enough were on Dave's Line working our way up to the top.
I hadn't been on the MTB for over a month, but for some reason i was having an awesome day, no tumbles and riding most everything, sweet! Grip felt surprisingly good, i'd switched my front tire over to the WTB Weirwolf, which is a 2.55" monster, but surprisingly light at ~750g. On the rear i had the Victoria Standard, the WTB Nano Raptor (~650g). I bet OBB orders more of the Nano's than any other shop on the planet... Both are Stan'sd, and down in the 20psi range. I was sticking to everything and felt supremely confident, and had an awesome day out with these peeps. Fun doing the trails i normally do backwards, and threw in Snakes'n'Ladders we well.
Here's my power summary (yep, i have an MTB PowerTap!)
Entire workout (158 watts):
Duration: 1:05:24 (1:55:47)
Work: 619 kJ
TSS: 87 (intensity factor 0.893)
Norm Power: 232
VI: 1.47
Distance: 10.866 km
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 1003 158 watts
Cadence: 34 201 80 rpm
Speed: 3.8 37.9 10.3 kph
Fun day, looking forward to spending more time on the trails once 'cross is over!
Nothing too fancy here, intended to go out Tuesday, but was feeling a bit under the weather.. Kept it short, got out for an hour and a half, took the Goose out to Interurban, W. Saanich and then Prospect Lk, back in town along the Goose and the waterfront. Stayed dry!
Entire workout (207 watts):
Duration: 1:30:07 (1:32:53)
Work: 1108 kJ
TSS: 108.8 (intensity factor 0.855)
Norm Power: 222
VI: 1.08
Pw:HR: 5.47%
Pa:HR: 11.23%
Distance: 40.942 km
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 782 207 watts
Heart Rate: 78 185 162 bpm
Cadence: 27 141 94 rpm
Speed: 4 63 27.5 kph
Didn't feel too great tho - i should have been feeling really peppy with the time off, but i've got some low-level cold...nose getting running, and feeling gross when going above threshold power. Speed was slow because on the ride back in the wind picked-up BIG TIME. I was brought nearly to a standstill at 300w in a gust!!
Took today off as well, still not feeling great..will likely chill tomorrow (with some commuting thrown in), a small effort on Saturday and then:
Cross on the Rock Island Championships: CrossVega!
That's right - CrossVega - i got them to sponsor the event..haha.. It's out at Shawnigan Lake School on Sunday, racing goes from 11am until after 4pm, and i'll be starting at noon. Come on out! Details
here and
Final race of the year on the island, double points! The course isn't really my cup of tea, i prefer much more technical, this will be a pretty fast course...but the climbs are relatively mild, so it might go alright.... Saturday will be heading up to set it up, yip!
RideCam #25
For the uninitiated, i almost always have my camera (one of them waterproof ones from Olympus) in my jersey pocket, and pull it out on occasion while out and about, my latest series is here:
Some highlights:
Jon Taylor leads one of our 'Cross Clinics.
An arbutus tree at Hartland.
Ran into Liz in a matching jersey!
A rainbow ruins an otherwise beautiful pic, Roland, Mike and i are headed to a VCX session.
Alison Sydor also lead one of our 'Cross Clinics, she had some really useful tips, and people loved it despite there being a rainfall warning that day!
So, i've got Shawnigan this weekend, and next weekend i'm planning to head over to the mainland for the final two 'cross races in the province - a BC Cup on Sat, and Provincial Championships on Sunday. I won't be a factor at all on Sunday (i have to race Elite..d'oh..) I'll try to keep from getting lapped by too many peeps..haha...
It's getting late, so i'll cut it short there. G'nite!
=============Labels: MTB, PowerTap, ridecam, training